Time is the Season
Holiday Plays
By: Len Cuthbert
Cast: 1 M, 5 flexible
Performance Time: Approximately 30 minutes, 26 pgs.
HOLIDAY COMEDY. A successful businessman goes to the same restaurant and orders the same thing every day—a steak sandwich. But on this day, the man’s normal routine is upset by an appalling reality—absolutely everything in the restaurant has changed. After enduring atrocious service and a horrible meal, the man gets up to leave but finds that the door to the restaurant has disappeared. Trapped in a restaurant from hell, this modern-day Scrooge is confronted by an unruly host of “angels” who give him a holiday gift he’ll never forget!
Freeviews: To read play excerpts click here.
Scripts: $6.95 each
Royalty: $60.00/performance
Prompt Book: $13.00
Poster Package: $50.00 (50/pkg)
Distribution Rights: $60.00
Artwork Rights: $50.00
Play Pack: $166.00 (9 scripts for cast/crew, 1 royalty, 50 posters, 1 prompt book)
Len Cuthbert has been involved in theatre for children and youth since the late 1980s and is the creator of a summer theatre camp. Mr. Cuthbert has had several plays produced and published and lives in Ontario, Canada.