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1. A Crust of Bread! by Heather Lynn
Cast: 5 M, 2 FTime: Approximately 30 minutes, 27 pgs.
COMEDY. Adapted from the play Make Believe by A. A. Milne. The King and Queen are eager to decide who will marry their daughter since her suitors, who have rather hearty appetites, are eating them o... READ MORE | BUY NOW
2. AIEEE! by Richard Krawiec
Cast: 20 flexible, extrasTime: Approximately 20-25 minutes, 20 pgs.
CHILDREN'S INTERACTIVE COMEDY. A narrator attempts to tell the tale of a farmer, a fisherman, and a weaver, but he keeps getting interrupted by an unruly host of characters. It seems that everyone h... READ MORE | BUY NOW
3. Alien Education by David Braden
Cast: 2 M, 3 FTime: Approximately 20 minutes, 20 pgs.
CHILDREN'S COMEDY. To help Jesse earn a good score on her middle-school placement exam, Uncle Ed and Aunt Lilly have decided to hire a tutor, Mr. Small. But Mr. Small turns out to be an alien shape-... READ MORE | BUY NOW
4. Ashipattle and the Giant Sea Serpent by F. Scott Regan
Cast: 3 M, 2 F, 4 flexibleTime: Approximately 45 minutes, 37 pgs
CHILDREN’S COMEDY. Adapted from the Scottish folktale, “The Meester Stoorworm.” When a giant sea serpent threatens Scotland, King Oswald offers half of his kingdom to anyone brave enough to slay the... READ MORE | BUY NOW
5. Calcie, Put Your Shoes On! by Heather Lynn
Cast: 2 M, 3 F, 7 flexible, extrasTime: Approximately 20-25 minutes, 17 pgs.
CHILDREN’S COMEDY. In the town of Loaferville, people really like to wear loafers. This is a big problem for Calcie, since she hates wearing shoes (especially loafers) but loves wearing pink furry s... READ MORE | BUY NOW
6. Count Catula by Lavinia Roberts
Cast: 4 M, 8 F, 8 flexible (With doubling/tripling: 3 M, 5 F, 5 flexible)Time: Approximately 25-30 minutes, 27 pgs
CHILDREN’S COMEDY. One dark and stormy night, the Myers receive an unexpected visit from their new neighbor, the Graves family, who live in a creepy house next to the cemetery. The Graves are lookin... READ MORE | BUY NOW
7. Garden, The by Tim O'Brien
Cast: 2 M, 3 F, 2 flexible, extras, optional choirTime: Approximately 30-45 minutes, 24 pgs.
CHILDREN’S MUSICAL. In search of a new home, Lenora the ladybug comes across a beautiful garden. But Bennie, the bean plant, and Special, the rose, tell poor Lenora to bug off and go live in a nearb... READ MORE | BUY NOW
8. Hippity Hop…Plop! by R. Eugene Jackson
Cast: 1 M, 4 F, 7 flexible, opt. extrasTime: Approximately 45-60 minutes, 52 pgs.
CHILDREN’S COMEDY. Whoever heard of a rabbit that can’t hop? Whenever Hippity, a young bunny, tries to hop, she goes plop and falls down! Tired of her siblings teasing her, Hippity ventures into th... READ MORE | BUY NOW
9. Jungle, The by Tim O'Brien
Cast: 3 M, 3 F, 6 flexible, choir, optional extrasTime: Approximately 60 minutes, 48 pgs.
CHILDREN’S MUSICAL. Annie, a young green-winged macaw, is eagerly awaiting her first flight. But before the big event, Annie’s parents go to the river to gather some nuts for breakfast. While they ... READ MORE | BUY NOW
10. Largon by Eddie McPherson
Cast: 3 M, 6 F (3 M, 5 F with doubling)Time: Approximately 30-40 minutes, 36 pgs.
FARCE. Justin has his sights set on winning the science fair with his newest creation—a remote-controlled life-sized robot named Largon. Justin not only impresses his best friend, Ranger, with his ... READ MORE | BUY NOW
11. Leilani by Linda Aronoff and Darby Wills Chism
Cast: 6 M, 11 F, 8 flexible, opt. extras (Doubling possible)Time: Approximately 30 minutes, 27 pgs.
CHILDREN’S COMEDY. The King and Queen of Hawaii are anxious for their son, Prince Manu, to marry a smart girl and settle down. But Manu would rather spend his days hanging out with his friends swimm... READ MORE | BUY NOW
12. Little Red Hen Explains It All For You! by Edith Weiss EDITOR’S PICK
Cast: 5 M, 13 F, 7 flexible, opt. extrasTime: Approximately 30 minutes, 33 pgs.
CHILDREN’S COMEDY WITH SONG. Adopted from the folktale “The Little Red Hen” and the song “Old MacDonald Had a Farm,” this comical play is perfect for kindergarten and elementary school children. In ... READ MORE | BUY NOW
13. Little Red Riding Hood Cowgirl Astronaut by Lavinia Roberts
Cast: 2 M, 5 F, 3 flexibleTime: Approximately 20-30 mins, 23 pgs.
FARCE. In this school production of “Little Red Riding Hood” the costume designer has taken some creative liberties with the costumes. Little Red Riding Hood has been transformed into a cowgirl astr... READ MORE | BUY NOW
14. Monster School by Michele Emerick and Dennis Poore
Cast: 9 M, 26 F, 8 flexible (Doubling possible.)Time: Approximately 30 mins, 30 pgs.
CHILDREN’S FARCE. It’s the first day of school and Debbie and Kevin, the two new kids, feel a bit out of place. It’s Monster School, and their fellow students include vampires, werewolves, mummies, ... READ MORE | BUY NOW
15. Mugwump, Some Flim-Flams, and a Dumb Cluck, A by Charles Kray
Cast: 3 M, 4 F, 4 flexible, opt. extrasTime: Approximately 30-45 minutes, 32 pgs.
CHILDREN’S COMEDY. A greedy Mugwump has stolen the thinking boxes of all the Flim-Flams on his planet. Without their thinking boxes, the poor Flim-Flams find that they are completely under the Mugwu... READ MORE | BUY NOW
16. Perils of Peppermint, The by Flip Kobler, Cindy Marcus, Dennis Poore
Cast: 4 M, 7 F, 7 flexibleTime: Approximately 30 mins, 33 pgs.
CHILDREN’S COMEDY. Two villains, Ginger Vitis and Dee Kay, have concocted a scheme to get rich quick by stealing a delicious new candy recipe from Pepper Mint, the owner of the Lemon Drop Candy Shop,... READ MORE | BUY NOW
17. Porridge Eaters from Planet Puggelgorf by Bradley Walton
Cast: 16 flexible (With doubling: 10 flexible)Time: Approximately 25 minutes, 30 pgs.
CHILDREN’S COMEDY. Four aliens from Planet Puggelgorf have devoted their lives to traveling through the universe in search of “porridge,” a mysterious substance they’ve heard of only in stories. The... READ MORE | BUY NOW
18. Recipe for Disaster, A by Tracy Wells
Cast: 2 M, 7 F, 11 flexible (With doubling: 2 M, 6 F, 9 flexible)Time: Approximately 30 minutes, 29 pgs
CHILDREN’S COMEDY. When Jana enters her basement science lab, she becomes “Dr. Noodles, scientist extraordinaire”! But just as Dr. Noodles is on the verge of a scientific breakthrough, her siblings―... READ MORE | BUY NOW
19. Red, Ripe, and Round by Dwayne Yancey
Cast: 6 M, 5F, 20 flexible, extras (With doubling 4 M, 4 F)Time: Approximately 45-50 minutes, 43 pgs.
CHILDREN’S COMEDY WITH SONG. This play is a fun way for children to learn more about American history through the unlikely history of one of our favorite foods: the tomato. The story traces the hum... READ MORE | BUY NOW
20. Reluctant Dragon, The by C. Edward Wheaton
Cast: 3 M, 5 F, 10 flexible, extrasTime: Approximately 30-45 minutes, 39 pgs
CLASSIC. The Village of Hampton is in a panic after a dragon is discovered lying on the ground peacefully meditating. Since no villager is courageous enough to slay this “ferocious” beast, the villa... READ MORE | BUY NOW
21. Sally and the Grouch by David Braden
Cast: 1 F, 10 flexible, opt. extrasTime: Approximately 20 minutes, 20 pgs.
CHILDREN'S COMEDY. Sally lives next door to a big grouch! All the neighbors steer clear of Mr. Irks, but not Sally. She’s determined to discover why he’s so grouchy. But first, Sally must make he... READ MORE | BUY NOW
22. So You Want to Be a Cowboy by Peter Blacklock
Cast: 2 M, 6 F, 22 flexible, opt. extras (With doubling: 2 M, 6 F, 18 flexible)Time: Approximately 80 minutes, 54 pgs.
MUSICAL. When Pecos Bill suddenly appears at a cowboy play rehearsal, he decides to set the kids straight and show them that there’s more to being a cowboy than singing and dancing. The kids soon fi... READ MORE | BUY NOW
23. Super Duper Dupe, The by Tracy Wells
Cast: 20 flexibleTime: Approximately 30 minutes, 26 pgs
CHILDREN’S COMEDY. Miss Sticky’s Super Duper Bad Guy Locator leads her to an abandoned warehouse where she sees a banner that reads, “B.A.D. is G.R.E.A.T!” Realizing it could be the hideout of the L... READ MORE | BUY NOW
24. Three Wishes by Tracy Wells
Cast: 6 M, 9 F, 5 flexibleTime: Approximately 30 minutes, 27 pgs.
CHILDREN’S COMEDY. Mother Goose throws a birthday party for the Big Bad Wolf and all the big names in the fairytale world show up: Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks, Humpty Dumpty, Jack and Jill, L... READ MORE | BUY NOW
25. Troublesome Bubblegum, The by Linda Aronoff and Darby Wills Chism
Cast: 9 flexible, extrasTime: Approximately 10-20 minutes, 26 pgs.
YOUNG CHILDREN’S COMEDY WITH SONG. (Ages 4-6 years.) This play offers a fun way to introduce drama to young children. Parents can read the script aloud as children act out their parts, and childre... READ MORE | BUY NOW