Short Plays
By: Rob Roznowski
Cast: 1 M, 1 F, 13 flexible
Performance Time: Approximately 5-7 minutes, 5 pgs
COMEDY. A set designer, playwright, lighting designer, and costume designer think their works are true originals until they meet their predecessors. Included in the skit/monologue collection "Arts or Crafts."
Freeviews: To read play excerpts click here.
Please remember it is necessary to purchase one
script for each cast member and one royalty for each performance.
Scripts: $8.95 each
Royalty: $20.00/performance
Poster Package: $50.00 (50/pkg)
Distribution Rights: $20.00
Artwork Rights: $50.00
Rob Roznowski is an associate professor and the head of acting and directing in the Department of Theatre at Michigan State University. He is an award-winning actor, director, educator, and playwright. He resides in East Lansing, MI.