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Agatha Christie's The Chocolate Box

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Agatha Christie's The Chocolate Box
One-Acts 20

By: Heather Lynn
Cast: 3 M, 3 F, 2 flexible
Performance Time: Approximately 30 minutes, 28 pgs

Agatha Christie's The Chocolate Box

MURDER-MYSTERY. Adapted from the short story by Agatha Christie. Famed detective Hercule Poirot discretely recounts to his friend Arthur Hastings the shocking story of the one and only time he failed to solve a murder. Years ago while on vacation, Poirot is visited by Virginie Mesnard, who asks him to investigate the death of Paul Déroulard, a politician who mysteriously died the night before he was to be promoted to government minister. Clues include two boxes of chocolates with mismatched lids, poisonous eye drops, and a missing bottle of nitroglycerin. After recounting the “miserable affair,” Poirot insists that if he should ever grow too conceited, Hastings need only say two words “chocolate box” as a humble reminder. Easy to stage. Scripts and royalties are unavailable for purchase to customers in the United Kingdom due to copyright restrictions.

Big Dog Paw Freeviews: To read play excerpts click here.

Big Dog Paw About the Story: To read more about the story click here.

Please remember it is necessary to purchase one script for each cast member and one royalty for each performance.

Scripts: $6.95 each
Royalty: $60.00/performance
Prompt Book: $13.00
Poster Package: $50.00 (50/pkg)
Distribution Rights: $60.00
Artwork Rights: $50.00
Play Pack: $179.00  (11 scripts for cast/crew, 1 royalty, 50 posters, 1 prompt book)

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