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Big Dog Publishing is your ticket to comedy and drama. We offer award-winning, family-friendly plays and excellent customer service.

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Big Dog Publishing, LLC
P.O. Box 1401
Rapid City, SD 57709
FAX: 605-791-0186

Hughs Crews

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Perusal Script
Quantity Description Price  
Perusal Script $8.95
One script must be purchased for each cast member.
Quantity Description Price  
Script $8.95
Prompt Books
8 1/2" x 11" Spiral Bound Script
Quantity Description Price  
Prompt Book $16.00
You must purchase one royalty per performance whether admission is charged or not. Royalties must be purchased prior to your production.
Quantity Description Price  
Royalty $75.00
Please enter the date(s) of the performance(s).*
Play Pack
Includes: (11 scripts for cast/crew, 1 royalty, 50 posters, 1 prompt book)
If you are planning more than one performance, you must purchase additional royalties.
Quantity Description Price  
1 Play Pack $219.00
POSTER INFORMATION: (If you don't know the following info at this time, you may email it separately.)
Name of Group or School

Location of Performance(s)

Date(s) and Time(s) of Performances

Price for Tickets

Contact Information (Name/number to be printed on poster, for tickets and more info.)
Distribution Rights
Quantity Description Price  
1 Distribution Rights $75.00
Artwork Rights
Unlimited rights to use play’s artwork for promotional purposes. Artwork is the same as the play’s cover and will be emailed in a JPEG format.
Quantity Description Price  
1 Artwork Rights $50.00
Poster Packs
8 1/2" x 11" Full color posters. Includes 50 posters per pack.
Quantity Description Price  
Poster Pack $50.00
POSTER INFORMATION: (If you don't know the following info at this time, you may email it separately.)
Name of Group or School

Location of Performance(s)

Date(s) and Time(s) of Performances

Price for Tickets

Contact Information (Name/number to be printed on poster for tickets and more info.)